

Salem Lutheran Church

An ordained minister, Pastor Mike Hanck uses his position at Salem Lutheran Church to tell people they matter. In 2022 he obtained over $70,000 in grants to serve people in the Vistula neighborhood. Local partners include the Lucas County Commissioners, Hospital Council of Northwest Ohio, the MultiFaith Council of Northwest Ohio, and the Lucas Count Health Department. National support comes from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), AARP, and the National Wildlife Federation. In his work at Salem, he has created a pocket park, forestalled evictions, restored homes, repaired homes, provided a vocation exploration program for teenagers, created a furniture ministry that delivers, and removes 10-tons of dumped debris annually. Salem serves 250-300 meals weekly including the pandemic years.

Pastor Hanck serves as a commissioner on the board of Lucas Metropolitan Housing and created a small group of residents called North End Neighbors that organize events and help members of the community meet each other’s needs. In 2020 he secured a grant through the State of Ohio that provided $1000 worth of toilet paper that was then shared with the neighborhood. As a result, The MultiFaith Council presented him and a volunteer with the “Hero of Compassion” award.

He serves as a leader in the ELCA Homelessness and Poverty Justice Network, working collaboratively with practitioners from around the country to improve each other’s ministries.
He is also a member of the ELCA’s Board of Vulnerable and Vital Congregations where members share best practices. Hanck regularly volunteers for Lucas Metropolitan Housing’s “Thumbs Up” program to beautify public places and participates in the North Toledo Coalition’s clean-up events. He is a leader in Harbor’s “Youth Enhancement Services” and was a past participant in the YMCA’s “Youth Opportunities Program.”

Pastor Hanck is a graduate of Ashland University and Trinity Lutheran Seminary at Capital University.

Mike Hanck