TYRAN BOYD, project engineer with the Lathrop Company
Tyran Boyd is a founding member and chair of the Turner Construction Ohio Diversity & Retention Committee, a founding member and chair of the United Way of Greater Toledo (UWGT) Emerging Leaders, and spearheaded the collaboration and activities of the construction and purchase of materials to construct three outdoor classrooms for Toledo Public Schools through a partnership with US Green Building Council (USGBC) of Greater Toledo Board Green Schools initiative.
He is also a Staff Sergeant in the USAF Ohio Air National Guard, 180th Fighter Wing, and has been recently selected to become an officer. He received the US Air Force Airman Leadership School Top Honor, US Air Force Top Honors in Airman Leader Corps “Yellow Rope,” and US Air Force Top Honors in Physical Fitness. He is also a Lathrop/Turner Construction Co. Employee of the Year and received the Turner Construction Co. Leadership “Jeff Beitel Leadership Award.”
Nominated by Craig Teamer